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网文随录 >> 《何时才应收手》| Bankroll Advice: Knowing When to Quit |
《何时才应收手》(译文) Bankroll Advice: Knowing When to Quit When you sit down at your favorite game you should really have only one thing on your mind - playing the best poker you can. If you're going to be successful you have to bring you're A-game to the table every time. The question is, how long can you play at peak performance? Becoming a winning poker player means knowing when to quit. You have to know your own limitations and recognize when you're on a bad streak so you can get out of a game before you break your bankroll. 成为扑克中的赢家意味着你知道何时收手。你必须知道你自己的极限,并且能够察觉到何时走背运,以便在亏损前全身而退。 My general rule is that as long as you're playing good poker, there's no need to quit the game. I absolutely hate it when players set limits on how much to win or lose and use that to determine when they should stop playing.www. 我的一般规则是,只要你状态很好,你就不应该离桌。我十分讨厌那些设置止损及止赢位并以此来决定何时终止游戏的做法。 If you're on a rush in poker, the game is good and you're making good money, you should always continue playing. Poker has a lot to do with confidence, and if you're on a winning streak your confidence is definitely high. You'll tend to make more aggressive decisions and punish people for drawing. In a nutshell, you'll own the table. 如果你的风头正旺,赢了很多钱,你就应该一直玩下去。扑克很大程度上是需要自信的,如果你的点很正,你的自信心肯定爆满,你会玩得更凶以惩罚那些企图等到好牌的人。这个时候,你会通吃全桌。 It can also be a mistake to quit a losing game if you're playing well because it can easily turn into a winning one with time. I've played in games where I lost $3,000 before turning it around and winning $20,000. If I had set a guideline for myself to get out after a $2,500 loss, I never would have made the money. 同样,如果你状态不错却在输钱,这个时候离桌也是一种错误。因为你随时都会转运。我曾经在输掉3000刀后转运并赢到20000刀。如果我将止损位定在2500刀,我永远都赚不到那2万刀。 One of the only times I recommend leaving is if your bankroll can't handle any more hits. If your bankroll has taken a huge, once in a blue moon hit, then it's probably best to take a break. 我建议应该离桌的时机之一是你的资金不够周转。如果你已经输了很多,那么一旦有人中出一手匪夷所思的好牌,你最好休息一下。 Then there are those times when your bankroll can handle a losing streak but you can't. Although it's easier said than done, you should quit right away if you're emotionally affected in any way by a losing session. 另一种情况是,你的资金还够周转,但你自己却做不到。这说起来容易做起来难。如果你运气很差,并且已经影响到你的情绪时,你应该马上离开。 A losing streak isn't the only thing that can affect your mental state and sabotage your game. If you're tired and need rest, you need to stop playing. Research has shown that when people take any type of test, they do much better when they're alert and have eaten. This relates to poker as well. I've noticed that when I'm tired, I tend to call more marginal hands and rush decisions. 运气差并不唯一能够影响你情绪的事情,如果你很累你也需要停止游戏。研究表明,对于任何测试,人们在机敏和吃饱的状态下都会做得更好。扑克也不例外。我注意到,当我很累的时候,我总是很冲动并企图去跟一些不值得跟的牌。 If you want to play your best, you must always feel good physically and be mentally alert so you can focus on the game. Take breaks when you need to because the game will always be there when you're ready to come back to it. 如果你想玩得好,就必须保持身体状况良好,精神状态机敏,以便专注于游戏中。需要休息的时候就去休息,因为游戏随时都在那里等你回来。 |
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